RUNFIX - 1.0 - 7/02/91 ---------------------- Some sample code and a simple application for Microsoft Visual Basic. By Mike Mezaros --------------- Released into the Public Domain. Here's your situation: You don't have Program Manager set to "Minimize on Use," because that is your personal preference. But did you ever wish that you could set "Minimize on Use" for each individual application in the Program Manager? Visual Basic, for example, can be quite annoying -- it uses an unusual interface (the "floating" menu bar), and loads on top of the Program Manager... when this happens, the whole thing just looks awkward, and it is quite annoying. So until Microsoft lets us set "Minimize on Use" for each individual app, here is a solution. How to Use ---------- First, place RUNFIX.EXE in your Windows directory or elsewhere in your path. Let's use Visual Basic as an example. The Command Line for Visual Basic in it's Program Manager Properties... box should be: C:\VB\VB.EXE Change this to: RUNFIX C:\VB\VB.EXE Now, click on the "Change Icon" button. The text box should read: RUNFIX.EXE Change this to: C:\VB\VB.EXE Click "View Next," then "Ok," then "Ok," again. Source Code ----------- Visual Basic source code is included. It is public domain; use it as you wish. Please let me know if you make any major modifications, I'd like to see it. If You Don't Own Visual Basic ----------------------------- This program doesn't require that you own Visual Basic. It can be used with any application. But in order to run it, you need the Visual Basic run-time file VBRUN100.DLL. This is widely available. If you have access to CompuServe, it is available in the Microsoft Languages Forum (GO MSLANG) in Library #6 as VBRUN.ZIP. On GEnie, it is in the IBM PC RoundTable (IBMPC) as VBRUN100.ZIP. Contacting The Author --------------------- FidoNet FidoMail, Mike Mezaros: Node 1:107/331 FoReM-Net E-Mail, Mike Mezaros: Node 593 GEnie via Z*Net Publishing: Z-NET CompuServe via Z*Net Publishing: 75300,1642 InterNet via Z*Net Publishing: 75300, Z*Net 24-Hour BBS: (908)-968-8148 HOWEVER, there are some applications -- such as Visual Basic -- that get on your nerves. After launching them, you have to click back to the Pr to minimize